There is nothing Shah Rukh Khan cannot do and the Jawan prevue released on Monday proves this. The superstar has collaborated with director Atlee for the first time in the action-thriller. The 2-minute-long video has the actor stepping out in various avatars, each more intriguing than the other. The video is dominated largely by Shah Rukh Khan in his myriad avatars but we also get to see the rest of the stellar ensemble cast including Vijay Sethupathi, Nayanthara, Sanya Malhotra, Priyamani and Deepika Padukone, in a special appearance where she is casually plastering a man to the ground.
While you can read all about the movie here, we thought the many looks of Shah Rukh Khan deserve a detailed breakdown. So, here goes:
Before we see Shah Rukh Khan in the video, we hear him – in true superstar mode. The first time we can glimpse of him, we see the actor – or a part of his face – in a police officer's garb.
We then see him in a soldier's uniform, wielding a large gun. Oh, and do not miss the sunglasses.
Giving us major Pathaan vibes, SRK is also seen with long hair for a split second in the prevue.
One of the highlights of the prelude, many would argue, is SRK sitting in a room engulfed by fire, with a mask covering half his face and a few grey strands of hair.
Conjuring up imagery of Shah Rukh Khan from his classic romances, we also get to see a scene in which the actor is dressed in a red shirt and black pants, looking dapper as always.
One of the stills of Shah Rukh Khan from the film which has been popular for a while features his head covered in bloody bandages and we see the actor in this avatar in the prevue.
Soon the bandage gives way to show Shah Rukh Khan in a bald avatar. Here, the bad guy vibes are tough to shake off as he dances to the song Beqarar Karke Hamen Yun Na Jaiye from the 1962 film Bees Saal Baad inside a metro with terrified passengers serving as the audience.
The prevue was shared on social media by Shah Rukh Khan with the caption, "Main kaun hoon, kaun nahin, jaanne ke liye (Who am I and who am I not, are you ready to find out), READY AH?#JawanPrevue Out Now!#Jawan releasing worldwide on 7th September 2023, in Hindi, Tamil & Telugu."
Watch the prevue here if you haven't seen it yet:
Jawan, produced by SRK's Red Chillies Entertainment, features music composed by Anirudh Ravichander.
from NDTV News- Special
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